Greetings everyone!
This is the first post of hopefully many that I create for this blog. I would imagine almost all of you reading this has probably come from one of my social media accounts and are familiar, but to move forward with decorum:
My name is Juushichi. Currently, I am sponsored by Sugoi Factory for Under Night in-Birth Exe:Late[st]. I'm from the Midwest state of Ohio and main Akatsuki in both this latest version and the previous version, Exe: Late. By this point, I've had a bunch of different roles in this community. I've run tournaments, done commentary, supplied pot bonuses, run side events, helped fund players to events, created and moderated spaces of discussion for the game and many more things. "UNIST Enthusiast" probably puts it mildly...
Nevertheless, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to have additional place to ramble on about this game that I love so much. I'm still figuring out what exactly I'm going to do with this space, could be observations about my play, thoughts on where the community is going or hype building for upcoming events. I'm sure that I'll figure something out along the way. This is absolutely where I'm going to stage the 2018 Year in Review, however.
To wrap up, I thought about a basic tagline, but in the middle school spirit of Under Night I drafted a blog description that fit me as well. It's a bit embarrassing, so I hope that you, the reader, can forgive me or that you can laugh along with me. I hope that you are looking forward to more posts from me in the future.
See ya!